Sold homes in Creekview preserve - 90 days

Creekview Preserve - Sold homes in the past 90 days

These are the single family properties that have sold in the Creekview Preserve neighborhood in the past 30 days


Home sales in Fable hill - 90 daysFable Hill Home Sales 90 days

Home Sales - Fable Hill

These are the properties that have sold in the Fable Hill neighborhood in the past 90 days


Sold homes in Victor Gardens - 30 days


Sold Rural HOmes in Hugo - 30 Days


Home Sales - Diamond Point East and West

These are the properties that have sold in the Diamond Point neighborhood in the past 90 days.


Home Sales - Victor Gardens

These are the home sales in the Victor Gardens neighborhood in the past 30 days.


Home Sales - Rural Properties

These are the homes that have sold in Hugo in the past 30 days with at least 1 acre of land.


Home Sales - May Township

These are the homes that have sold in May Township in the past 6 months.


Sold homes - Stillwater Township

These are the the single family homes that have sold in Stillwater Township in the past 6 months.